Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The future of Blinking Cursor

The fourth issue of Blinking Cursor Literary magazine has just been released and as always, it has been a joy to create. Thank you everyone for all of your submissions, and apologies as it has taken a little longer to be published this time around, for reasons beyond my control.

Because of how well things are going at the moment, I am considering releasing issues of BC more often - that is, four times a year rather than two. However, this might mean that the amount of time for submissions to get in would be shorter, and this might result in having less submissions per issue, and so a smaller magazine. Then again, that would leave a little more space for some other features of the magazine, for example, book reviews - issue four contains the first BC book review, a poetry collection by Peycho Kanev entitled Bone Silence. I would really like to have a book review every month, so if you have a chap book or poetry collection that you would like reviewed, send me a copy at and I'll see what I can do. Future issues of the magazine might contain some other features as well, so stay tuned for some new additions, as I'm always looking for ways to improve the publication.

Of course, the future doesn't just depend on me; it depends on you. Not only are your submissions what keeps the magazine going, but your thoughts on the magazine are very important. So tell me what you think, what you would like to see in the future, or what you think doesn't quite work. I want to know what you think - it makes it much easier to improve if I get some feedback. So drop me a line, and don't forget that BC is on Facebook and Twitter so you can follow it there, and keep checking back on the website for more updates.

Friday, 8 October 2010


So, it's that time again, and as we near the deadline for the Winter 2010 issue (31st October), I thought I'd write up a list of - not hard and fast rules, exactly, but suggestions. So here goes.

Things to do to make the editor happy:
  • Read the submission guidelines. Read them twice. Then, read them again.
  • Only send the maximum of three poems and two short stories. Unless you want to annoy the editor. Then again, if you do send more than requested, the editor will only read the first three poems and two stories you send and ignore everything else, so it's only your own time that you're wasting. If everyone decided to send ten poems, the decision-making process would take a very long time.
  • Don't exceed the maximum word count for stories. It's only a small magazine and the more pages that are added, the more expensive it becomes, and the longer the stories are, the fewer stories and poems can be in the magazine.
  • Only send one email. Not a biggie, it's just easier.
  • Write some sort of covering letter. Even if it's just "dear editor, please find enclosed my three poems. Yours sincerely, Joe Bloggs."
  • Keep it PG-13.
And that about covers it! Happy submitting!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

First post!

Hello! So I thought it would be a nice idea to write a blog every once in a while about what's going on with Blinking Cursor.

If anyone has stumbled upon this blog without knowing what Blinking Cursor is, it's a submissions-based literary magazine. Or at least, that's the way it started. I'm hoping to release more publications in the future, such as writing guides and anthologies. But we'll get into that a bit later!

So a bit about me. My name's Samantha, or Sam, I'm 22 (at time of writing) and I live in England. I've always been interested in writing; I started with short stories, then when I was fourteen or fifteen I would write song lyrics, often to vent my teen angst. Those were the days of, well, pretty bad writing, really! Lyrics aren't particularly my thing, and I haven't gone back to writing them since then. Now I write a lot of poetry, and I'm also currently working on a novel. I have a degree in Business Information Systems, which I graduated from last year, so I'm also very much into computers. That's what makes Blinking Cursor fun for me - it's not just about writing, it's about working on the website as well and the online presence. Creating and editing the website entirely with HTML in Notepad is great fun. I'm also very into music, mostly rock. But enough about me!

Blinking Cursor began in June 2009. I can't really pinpoint how the idea came about, but I think that the inspiration came partly from the fact that I had been published in a few anthologies myself, and also that the Young Writers Society, an online forum with some awesome people, ( had published an anthology using So when I got the idea, I immediately knew how I was going to get it printed. I started off with a Wordpress blog as a website, and a tentative deadline date, but with not much advertising, I didn't receive many submissions. I pushed the date back and that time I got enough submissions to make the first issue of the magazine.

I kind of look back on the first issue as a beta. There were a couple of things wrong with it that I don't mind pointing out now, because I know not to make those mistakes again. For some reason that I can't actually remember anymore, I needed to revise the copy of the magazine, which meant uploading a new version to What I didn't realise was that this would drive the price up a bit. I also charged for the downloadable version as well as the hard copy, which people weren't very receptive to. Well, you live and learn. Plus, when I received my copy of the magazine, I realised that I had put the page numbers on the same sides instead of alternative left and right corners, so the numbers on the right hand page were on the inside instead of the outside of the book. Plus, there was a misplaced apostrophe in the blurb! But, as any changes would drive the price up further, and that issue wasn't as cheap as I had hoped anyway, it's going to have to stay that way. But being a one-man-band, I can just about forgive myself for the occasional mistake.

The second issue was released in Winter 2009 and went much more smoothly. I got more submissions, didn't misplace any apostrophes, and found out how to do the page numbers properly in Word. The third issue (Spring 2010) received even more submissions! With the Facebook page, the Twitter account, and now this blog and the page on the Young Writers Society, as well as listings in online directories such as and Duotrope's Digest, Blinking Cursor is all over the internet! The next blog I'll write will be about what I hope to see in Blinking Cursor's future, but I think I've rambled on long enough for now! Until next time. :)