Things to do to make the editor happy:
- Read the submission guidelines. Read them twice. Then, read them again.
- Only send the maximum of three poems and two short stories. Unless you want to annoy the editor. Then again, if you do send more than requested, the editor will only read the first three poems and two stories you send and ignore everything else, so it's only your own time that you're wasting. If everyone decided to send ten poems, the decision-making process would take a very long time.
- Don't exceed the maximum word count for stories. It's only a small magazine and the more pages that are added, the more expensive it becomes, and the longer the stories are, the fewer stories and poems can be in the magazine.
- Only send one email. Not a biggie, it's just easier.
- Write some sort of covering letter. Even if it's just "dear editor, please find enclosed my three poems. Yours sincerely, Joe Bloggs."
- Keep it PG-13.
And that about covers it! Happy submitting!